
Here is a selection of publications where different laminin isoforms were used to create more authentic cell culture systems.

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  • Ultraviolet-radiation-induced inflammation promotes angiotropism and metastasis in melanoma

    Bald T., Quast T., Landsberg J., Rogava M., Glodde n., Lopez-Ramos D., Kohlmeyer J., Riesenberg S., van den Boorn-Konijnenberg D.,  Hömig-Hölzel C., Reuten R., Schadow B., Weighardt H., Wenzel D., Helfrich I., Schadendorf D., Bloch W., Bianchi M.E., Lugassy C., Barnhill R.L., Koch M., Fleischmann B.K., Förster I., Kastenmüller W., Kolanus W., Hölzel M., Gaffal E., Tüting T. Nature Letter. 2014

    The authors report that repetitive UV exposure of primary cutaneous melanomas in a genetically engineered mouse model promotes metastatic progression. UV irradiation enhanced the expansion of tumor cells along abluminal blood vessel surfaces and increased the number of lung metastases, depended on the recruitment and activation of neutrophils. In a static cell adhesion assays, cells were allowed to adhere to various matrices: fibronectin-1, collagen type I, collagen type IV, laminin-111 (Sigma), laminin-411 or laminin-511. An inflammatory environment promotes the ability of mouse and human melanoma cells to migrate towards endothelial cells and use selective motility cues on their surfaces.

  • Highly sensitive droplet digital PCR method for detection of residual undifferentiated cells in cardiomyocytes derived from human pluripotent stem cells

    Kuroda T., Yasuda S., Matsuyama S., Tano K., Kusakawa S., Sawa Y., Kawamata S., Sato Y. Regenerative Therapy, 2015

    Human iPSCs were maintained on laminin-521 in Essential 8 medium. Cardiac differentiation on laminin-521 and Matrigel. Adult human cardiomyocytes (Promocell, Heidelberg) were cultured on laminin-211 in the Promocell myocyte growth medium. The authors have established a sensitive assay for the detection of the residual undifferentiated hiPSCs in cardiomyocytes, using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). LIN28 was the most sensitive marker of residual undifferentiated cells in hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes but also in other tissues such as liver, heart, pancreas, kidney, spinal cord, corneal epithelium, and lung. Hence, the LIN28/ddPCR method is applicable to the quality control of hiPSC-derived cell therapy products.