Archive Results

  • Quantification of molecular interactions between ApoE, amyloid-beta (Aβ) and laminin: Relevance to accumulation of Aβ in Alzheimer’s disease

    Quantification of molecular interactions between ApoE, amyloid-beta (Aβ) and laminin: Relevance to accumulation of Aβ in Alzheimer’s disease Zekonyte J., […]
  • Laminin and growth factor receptor activation stimulates differential growth responses in subpopulations of adult DRG neurons

    Laminin and growth factor receptor activation stimulates differential growth responses in subpopulations of adult DRG neurons Tucker B.A., Rahimtula M., Mearow K.M.European […]
  • Adult SVZ Stem Cells Lie in a Vascular Niche: A Quantitative Analysis of Niche Cell-Cell Interactions

    Adult SVZ Stem Cells Lie in a Vascular Niche: A Quantitative Analysis of Niche Cell-Cell Interactions Shen Q., Wang Y., […]
  • Laminin enhances the growth of human neural stem cells in defined culture media

    Laminin enhances the growth of human neural stem cells in defined culture media   Hall et al.BMC Neuroscience, 2008
  • Transcriptomes of germinal zones of human and mouse fetal neocortex suggest a role of extracellular matrix in progenitor self-renewal

    Transcriptomes of germinal zones of human and mouse fetal neocortex suggest a role of extracellular matrix in progenitor self-renewal Fietz […]
  • A defined xeno-free and feeder-free culture system for the derivation, expansion and direct differentiation of transgene-free patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells

    A defined xeno-free and feeder-free culture system for the derivation, expansion and direct differentiation of transgene-free patient-specific induced pluripotent stem […]