Archive Results

  • Laminin-Mediated Interactions in Thymocyte Migration and Development

    Laminin-Mediated Interactions in Thymocyte Migration and Development Savino W., Mendes-da-Cruz D.A., Golbert D.C., Riederer I., Cotta-de-Almeida V.Front Immunol., 2015 In […]
  • Laminin-211 controls thymocyte—thymic epithelial cell interactions

    Laminin-211 controls thymocyte—thymic epithelial cell interactions Laminin-211 controls thymocyte—thymic epithelial cell interactions Ocampo J.S.P., de Brito J.M,  Corrêa-de-Santana E., Borojevic […]
  • Laminin chains in the basement membranes of human thymus

    Laminin chains in the basement membranes of human thymus Virtanen I., Lohi J., Tani T., Sariola H., Burgeson R.E., Lehto […]
  • Laminins affect T cell trafficking and allograft fate

    Laminins affect T cell trafficking and allograft fate Warren K.J., Iwami D., Harris D.G, Bromberg J.S., Burrell B.E.The Journal of […]
  • Characterization of a conduit system containing laminin-5 in the human thymus: a potential transport system for small molecules

    Characterization of a conduit system containing laminin-5 in the human thymus: a potential transport system for small molecules Drumea-Mirancea M., […]