How do I use Biolaminin for cell culture?

  1. Prepare the coating solution:
    Dilute the thawed Biolaminin stock solution with 1x DPBS according to the instructions IN-001.
  2. Coat the cultureware:
    Add the diluted Biolaminin solution to tissue culture-treated cultureware. Seal the cultureware (e.g., with Parafilm®) to prevent evaporation.
  3. Incubation options:
    • Incubate at +2°C to +8°C overnight.
    • For faster coating, incubate at +37°C for 2 hours.
  4. Cell culture:
    Before seeding cells, remove the excess coating solution. No washing is required. Add the cell suspension directly to the Biolaminin-coated surface. For general PSC culture guidelines, see Instructions IN-003.
  5. Storage of coated plates:
    If not used immediately, store coated plates and any remaining diluted coating solution at +2°C to +8°C for up to 4 weeks.
    Note: Do not let the coated surface dry, as this will inactivate the laminin coating.

Following these steps ensures an optimal environment for your cell culture applications.