Do I need to keep the laminin vial on ice at all times when working?
No. While the recommended storage temperature for a thawed Biolaminin vial is +2°C to +8°C, it can be used at […]
How do I use Biolaminin for cell culture?
Following these steps ensures an optimal environment for your cell culture applications.
When thawing hPSCs grown on Biolaminin, what is the recovery like?
The post-thaw cell survival is high when supported by Biolaminin 521, especially when frozen and thawed as single cells. This is […]
After seeding cells on Biolaminin, I experience an uneven spread. What could be the reason for that?
An uneven cell spread is often due to insufficient coating and may result from the following: 1. Insufficient coating concentration […]
I have issues with bad cell attachment when transferring my pluripotent stem cells from feeder cells or from feeder-free culture substrates to laminin. What can I do?
If the transfer from other culture substrates is problematic, please follow the instruction for transfer to Biolaminin. Some of the aspects […]
Is it possible to increase the concentration of Biolaminin to decrease the coating time?
We usually don’t recommend customers to carry out the coating in less than 2h incubation at 37°C. There is a […]
Can I mix Biolaminin with other matrix proteins such as collagen?
We don’t have any data for this, but to ensure the best coating, one should do a titration to optimize […]
How long does Biolaminin coating last in culture? Do I have to add extra laminin to long-term cultures?
The Biolaminin coating is functional for at least one month in culture. For long-term culture, if cell detachment occurs, we […]
Can I re-use the coating solution?
Due to contamination risks and uncontrollable coating concentration issues, we do not recommend re-using the coating solution but rather to […]
Can Biolaminin be used to coat other surfaces, such as glass?
Yes, laminin can be used for coating glass with good cell attachment and maintained cell functions. Coat glassware as you […]