Stem cell-based treatment for Parkinson’s disease: Malin Parmar

Professor Malin Parmar is a leading scientist in Parkinson’s research and regenerative medicine. With a Ph.D. in developmental biology, she conducted postdoctoral research at the Institute of Stem Cell Research at Edinburgh University before establishing her own research group at Lund University, Sweden, dedicated to pioneering stem cell-based treatments for Parkinson’s disease. 2018-05-21.

Prof. Parmar’s groundbreaking research has culminated in the STEM-PD stem cell therapy program, which uses pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons and reached the clinical trial phase in 2022.

The preclinical studies of STEM-PD demonstrated the product’s quality, safety, and efficacy, showing:

  • no adverse effects
  • full functional recovery, and
  • consistent efficacy across GMP batches

The first patients received this treatment in 2023, marking an exciting clinical milestone by becoming the first in the world to receive stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease.