Derivation of human iPS cell lines from monozygotic twins in defined and xeno-free conditions

Uhlin E., Rönnholm H., Day K., Kele M., Tammimies K., Bölte S., Falk A.Stem Cell Res., 2017

Human-induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) cell lines CTRL-9-II and CTRL-10-I were derived from healthy monozygotic twin donors using non-integrating RNA based Sendai virus reprogramming and cultured in a xeno-free chemically defined condition on the laminin-521 cell culture substrate. The established hiPS cell lines, CTRL-9-II and CTRL-10-I, are karyotypically normal, free from reprogramming vectors, display endogenously expression of pluripotency factors at levels similar to embryonic stem cells. The generated iPS cell lines demonstrate pluripotency bypassing bioinformatics assay PluriTest and by embryonic body assay.