Laminins 2 (α2β1γ1, Lm-211) and 8 (α4β1γ1, Lm-411) are synthesized and secreted by tooth pulp fibroblasts and differentially promote neurite outgrowth from trigeminal ganglion sensory neurons

Kaj Frieda, Wondossen Sime, Christina Lillesaar, Ismo Virtanen, Karl Tryggvasson, Manuel Patarroyo

Experimental Cell Research, 2005

The authors reported that LN-2 (LN211) and LN-8 (LN411) are synthesized by tooth pulp fibroblasts and differentially promote neurite outgrowth from TG neurons. They discuss that LN-8 may contribute to sensory innervation of teeth and other tissues during development and/or regeneration.