Functional characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical networks differentiated on laminin-521 substrate: comparison to rat cortical cultures
Tanja Hyvärinen, Anu Hyysalo, Fikret Emre Kapucu, Laura Aarnos, Andrey Vinogradov, Stephen J Eglen, Laura Ylä-Outinen, Susanna Narkilahti.
Sci Rep, 2019
In this article, differentiation of functionally active hPSC-derived cortical networks on defined laminin-521 substrate is reported. They assessed compared the activity development of hPSC-derived networks to that of widely used rat embryonic cortical cultures using microelectrode array (MEA) measurements. The authors conclude that hPSC-derived neural cultures produced with a defined protocol generate cortical type network activity, and they could be applied as a human-specific model for pharmacological studies and modeling network dysfunctions.

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