Generation of human iPS cell line CTL07-II from human fibroblasts, under defined and xeno-free conditions
Kele M., Day K., Rönnholm H., Schuster J., Dahl N., Falk A.Stem cell research, 2016
CTL07-II is a healthy feeder-free and characterized human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell line cultured under xeno-free and defined conditions. iPS cell coating during derivation and expansion was human recombinant Laminin-521. The line is generated from healthy human fibroblasts with non-integrating Sendai virus vectors encoding the four Yamanaka factors, OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and cMYC. The generated iPS cells are free from reprogramming vectors and their purity, karyotypic stability and pluripotent capacity are confirmed.
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