Laminin a5 chain is required for intestinal smooth muscle development
Bolcato-Bellemin A-L., Lefebvre O., Arnold C., Sorokin L., Miner J. H., Kedinger M., Simon-Assmann P.
Developmental Biology, 2003
Here, the function of the laminin a5 chain in the developing intestine was defined by analyzing laminin a5 -/- mutants and by grafting experiments. The authors show that laminin a5 plays a major role in smooth muscle organization and differentiation, as excessive folding of intestinal loops and delay in the expression of specific markers are observed in laminin a5 -/- mice. Loss of a5 expression was paralleled by ectopic or accelerated deposition of laminin a2 and a4 chains; this may explain why no obvious defects were observed in the villous form and enterocytic differentiation. Lack of the laminin a5 chain was accompanied by a decrease in epithelial a3B1 integrin receptor expression adjacent to the epithelial basement membrane and of Lutheran blood group glycoprotein in the smooth muscle cells, indicating that these receptors are likely mediating the a5 interactions. Taken together, the laminin a5 chain is essential for the normal development of the intestinal smooth muscle.
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