Monolayer culturing and cloning of human pluripotent stem cells on laminin-521 based matrices under xeno-free and chemically defined conditions
Rodin S., Antonsson L., Hovatta O., Tryggvason K.
Nature Protocols, 2014
Detailed step-by-step protocols for transfer, expansion and clonal growth of hPSCs on laminin-521. Here the authors describe predictable monolayer, xeno-free and defined culturing of hPSCs on LN-521. In the article, there is an important assembly of protocols for LN-521 based hPSC bulk expansion, true clone generation, the secure transfer step-by-step from feeders to LN-521, freezing and thawing as single cells using FREEZEstem. There are also critical steps and reagents included for easier handling of more difficult lines and a useful troubleshooting guide for solving problems faster.
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