Neural stem cells

Biorelevant culture of neural stem cells on Biolaminin substrates
Laminin expression in the adult brain
Laminin 421, laminin 221, laminin 511 and laminin 521 are the main laminin isoforms expressed in the mouse and human subventricular/subependymal zone and ventricular zone (SVZ/SEZ and VZ) as well as the dentate gyrus of the adult central nervous system (Fietz, 2012; Hall, 2008; Indyk, 2003). Within the adult stem cell niches, the laminins are produced by ependymal cells, transit-amplifying precursors (type C cells), GFAP+ astrocytes and vascular fractions in contact with the stem cells (Shen, 2008; Chen, 2003).
Laminin expression during development
The interaction between integrins and laminins is essential for adhesion and thus the survival, maintenance, proliferation and fate decisions of neural stem cells (NSCs). Neuroepithelial cells and radial glial cells express laminin 511, laminin 521 and laminin 111. Additionally, other different laminin chains may play significant developmentally important roles, such as laminin 421 and laminin 221, which are expressed differently between radial glial cells and SVZ NSCs (Domogatskaya, 2012; Loulier, 2009).
Biolaminin for a better culture of neural stem cells
Early studies using purified placental laminins (mainly laminin 521, 511, 411 and 211) show an increase in the proliferation rate of human NSCs derived from fetal tissue and reduced number of apoptotic cells (Hall, 2008). Human recombinant Biolaminin 521 and Biolaminin 511 substrates also support neural crest cells.
In this video, Associate Professor Anna Falk presents her research on patient-specific neural stem cells which faithfully mimics known neurological disorder phenotypes in vitro. Patient-derived iPSCs are specified to neuroepithelial stem cell lines, efficiently expanded and differentiated into neurons and glial cells on Biolaminin 521.
Succeed with your application
Instructions 001: Coating with Biolaminin substrates
Protocol and concentration calculations for coating cultureware with Biolaminin
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Application note 004: Expansion of pluripotent stem cells on Biolaminin 521
Why to use Biolaminin for stem cell culture
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Application note 016: Biosilk 3D biomaterial for organoid culture
Features and supporting data for Biosilk in 3D cell culture
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Application note 021: Neural Crest differentiation on Biolaminin® 521 substrate
Generation of hPSC-derived neural crest cells on Biolaminin 521
Open pdf -
Instructions 004: Neural crest differentiation from hPSCs on Biolaminin® 521
Protocol for neural crest cell differentiation
Open pdf
Biolaminin Key Advantages
The interaction between integrins and laminins is essential for adhesion and survival of neural stem cells (NSCs). This is why including Biolaminins in the culture system has a major effect on the maintenance, proliferation and fate decisions of NSCs.
Specific laminin isoforms are present in different tissue microenvironments and are essential for cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation. Biolaminin products allow you to imitate the natural cell-matrix interactions in vitro.
All our matrices are chemically defined and animal origin-free, which makes them ideal substrates for each level of the scientific process – from basic research to clinical applications.
Our products have consistent composition and quality. This enables minimized variability between experiments.
Numerous scientists have found our products and finally succeeded in their specific stem cell application. The power of full-length laminins incorporated into various cell systems is well documented in scientific articles and clinical trials.
Recommended products
Biolaminin 521 LN (LN521)
Full-length human recombinant laminin-521
Biolaminin 521 LN is a full-length laminin-521 substrate—the natural laminin for pluripotent stem cells, reliably facilitating ESC and iPSC self-renewal in a chemically defined, xeno-free stem cell culture system. It also uniquely promotes the growth and identity of various tissue-specific human cell types.View product -
Biolaminin 521 MX (MX521)
Full-length human recombinant laminin-521
Biolaminin 521 MX is a full-length laminin-521 substrate designed for research aiming for clinical applications.View product -
Biolaminin 521 CTG (CT521)
Full-length human recombinant laminin-521
Biolaminin 521 CTG is a full-length laminin-521 substrate designed for clinical applications.View product

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