Archive Results

  • Are Biolaminin and Biosilk products optimized for any specific plastic brand?

    Biolaminin protein coating is not optimized for a certain plasticware, but it has been tested to work efficiently on several […]
  • Can I use Biosilk 521 to generate organoid cultures?

    Of course! After seeding and amplification, the cell-foam structure can be detached and lifted off the well to a floating culture for […]
  • The Biosilk foam does not shape properly and it looks flat. What could be the reason?

    Make sure a hydrophobic culture plate is being used (e.g. Sarstedt 83.3922.500). If the plate is not hydrophobic, the Biosilk solution […]
  • How many foams will I get from a Biosilk vial?

    One vial is enough for 12-13 wells of a 24-wells plate. Smaller volume can be used, eg. 5-10 µl for 96-well plate, but this needs to […]
  • What is the smallest volume I can use and still get a good foam?

    The smallest volume to foam up properly is 4-5 µl but the  small volume is not easy to handle. For 4-5 µl […]
  • Can I use a 96-well format for Biosilk?

    Yes! Please see the instructions here:
  • Is it OK if the Biosilk doesn’t sit in the middle of the well but is touching the cell culture wall?

    The foam should not touch the well wall because the foam will form in the wrong way. 
  • Can Biosilk first be added to the whole culture well plate, foamed row by row, and then immediately seed cells on it?

    No, the cells need to be added to the freshly-foamed foam without delay, or the silk will start polymerizing. Mixing cells into […]
  • Why does the foam break into pieces (disperse) when I add the medium?

    The reason for dispersion could be one of the following: 1. The silk solution has been standing at room temperature […]
  • Why does the foam spontaneously detach the day after seeding or when I add the medium?

    There are many things that affect bad foam attachment or poor foam stability: 1. The surface for foam generation is not […]