Biolaminin 421 LN (LN421)

Full-length human recombinant laminin-421

Biolaminin 421 supports several tissue-specific cell types such as endothelial cells and kidney cells and has been suggested to be important for renal, synaptic, and inflammatory functions.

A biologically relevant culture environment

In the kidney, laminin-421 is produced by mesangial cells and is presumably important for the development and reparation of microvasculature and glomerulogenesis (Abrass, 2010) whereas kidney podocytes mainly bind to laminin 521 via the α3β1 integrin (Sachs and Sonnenberg, 2013). Laminin 421 has also been implicated in renal cell carcinomas (Lohi, 1996; Vainionpää, 2007) and glial brain tumors (Ljubimova, 2001).

In chemical synapses, the laminin-421 isoform is crucial for the correct localization of pre- and post-synaptic specializations. In mice lacking the laminin β2 chain, neuromuscular junctions fail to form active zones in the presynaptic terminal and thereby neurotransmitter release is disrupted (Patton, 2001). Laminin-421 has been shown to assist in the formation and stabilization of active zones by several mechanisms, including voltage-gated Ca2+-channels and integrins containing the α3 subunit (Carlsson, 2003; Cohen, 2000).

Learn more about full-length laminins:

  • Pancreatic cells

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  • Kidney cells

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  • Neural cells

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Size guide

Not sure how much laminin you need? To make it easy, we have created a tool where you can calculate the amount needed for your experiments. Just choose the culture well format and fill in the desired coating concentration to see the amount required.

Please see the coating instructions for concentration and volume guidelines.