Archive Results

  • Laminins 2 (α2β1γ1, Lm-211) and 8 (α4β1γ1, Lm-411) are synthesized and secreted by tooth pulp fibroblasts and differentially promote neurite outgrowth from trigeminal ganglion sensory neurons

    Laminins 2 (α2β1γ1, Lm-211) and 8 (α4β1γ1, Lm-411) are synthesized and secreted by tooth pulp fibroblasts and differentially promote neurite […]
  • Niche-derived laminin-511 promotes midbrain dopaminergic neuron survival and differentiation through YAP

    Niche-derived laminin-511 promotes midbrain dopaminergic neuron survival and differentiation through YAP Zhang D., Yang S., Toledo E.M., Gyllborg D., Saltó […]
  • Integrin-laminin interactions controlling neurite outgrowth from adult DRG neurons in vitro

    Integrin-laminin interactions controlling neurite outgrowth from adult DRG neurons in vitro Stefan Plantman, Manuel Patarroyo, Kaj Fried, Anna Domogatskaya, Karl Tryggvason, […]
  • Neurons From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Under Xeno-Free Conditions Restore Motor Deficits in Parkinsonian Rodents

    Neurons From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Under Xeno-Free Conditions Restore Motor Deficits in Parkinsonian Rodents Niclis J.C., Gantner C.W., Alsanie […]
  • Properly formed but improperly localized synaptic specializations in the absence of laminin α4

    Properly formed but improperly localized synaptic specializations in the absence of laminin α4 Bruce L. Patton, Jeanette M. Cunningham, Jill […]
  • Modulation of Synapsin I Gene Expression in Rat Cortical Neurons by Extracellular Matrix

    Modulation of Synapsin I Gene Expression in Rat Cortical Neurons by Extracellular Matrix Savettieri G., Mazzola G.A., Rodriguez Sanchez M.B., […]
  • Axon guidance of rat cortical neurons by microcontact printed gradients

    Axon guidance of rat cortical neurons by microcontact printed gradients Fricke R., Zentis P.D., Rajappa L.T., Hofmann B., Banzet M., […]
  • β2 and γ3 laminins are critical cortical basement membrane components ablation of Lamb2 and Lamc3 genes disrupt cortical lamination and produces dysplasia

    β2 and γ3 laminins are critical cortical basement membrane components ablation of Lamb2 and Lamc3 genes disrupt cortical lamination and […]
  • Laminin/β1 integrin signal triggers axon formation by promoting microtubule assembly and stabilization

    Laminin/β1 integrin signal triggers axon formation by promoting microtubule assembly and stabilization Lei W.L., Xing S.G., Deng C.Y., Ju X.C., Jiang X.Y., Luo Z.G.Cell Research […]
  • Human diseases reveal novel roles for neural lamininsCortical deficiency of laminin γ1 impairs the AKT/GSK-3β signaling pathway and leads to defects in neurite outgrowth and neuronal migration

    Human diseases reveal novel roles for neural lamininsCortical deficiency of laminin γ1 impairs the AKT/GSK-3β signaling pathway and leads to […]