Biolaminin 111 LN (LN111)

Full-length human recombinant laminin-111

Biolaminin 111 is a full-length laminin-111 protein—an essential extracellular matrix component for many cell types in vivo. It has proven particularly effective in supporting the differentiation of functional hepatic and neural cells in a chemically defined and xeno-free culture.

A biologically relevant culture environment

Biolaminin 111 LN (LN111-02 and LN111-0501) supports the survival, proliferation, and differentiation of many different cell types in vitro.

During development, Reichert’s membrane supporting the extraembryonic trophoblasts contains laminin-111. Reichert’s membrane is essential for epiblast differentiation, which is essential for the formation of the three embryonic germ layers by pluripotent cells in the inner cell mass.

In adults, laminin α1 chain is expressed in some epithelial basement membranes, and primarily found in tissues such as the eye, liver, and brain (Ekblom, 2003; Virtanen, 2000). Mimicking the in vivo environment with Biolaminin 111 has proven a viable approach for improved cell growth and identity for several cell types and in various platforms and culture conditions.

Biolaminin®: The only full-length laminin proteins on the market

Learn more about full-length laminins:

The essential component of undefined matrices—chemically defined and full-length

Laminin-111 is the most abundant laminin isoform present in the mouse Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor extract sold under the trade name Matrigel. Laminin-111 is known to initiate spontaneous differentiation of stem cells.

By coating your plate with recombinant Biolaminin 111 (LN111) instead of Matrigel or other extract substrates, you support your cells with a defined and animal origin-free substrate. LN111 enables better control of your culture conditions, enhancing reproducibility.

If the goal is to establish efficient self-renewal and expansion of pluripotent stem cells, Biolaminin 521 (human cells) or Biolaminin 511 (mouse cells) should be used. Laminin-521 and laminin-511 are the natural laminins for hES and iPS cells and are proven to maintain pluripotency.

  • Hepatocytes and hepatoblasts

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  • Neural cells

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  • Dopaminergic neurons

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  • Bone and cartilage cells

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  • Mammary gland cells

    Biorelevant culture of human mammary cells on Biolaminin substrates Laminins have both overlapping and unique functions in the mammary gland tissue Mammary […]
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  • Lung cells

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  • Intestinal cells

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Size guide

Not sure how much laminin you need? To make it easy, we have created a tool where you can calculate the amount needed for your experiments. Just choose culture well format and fill in the desired coating concentration to see the amount required.

Please see the coating instructions for concentration and volume guidelines.