Biolaminin 521 LN (LN521)

Full-length human recombinant laminin-521

Biolaminin 521 LN is the natural laminin for pluripotent stem cells, reliably facilitating the self-renewal of human ES and iPS cells in a chemically defined and xeno-free stem cell culture system. It also uniquely promotes the growth and identity of various tissue-specific human cell types. This full-length laminin-521 enables efficient, ROCKi-free, single-cell passaging of genetically stable cells ensuring consistency for your cells and studies.

Biolaminin®: The only full-length laminin proteins on the market

Biolaminin 521 LN (LN521-02 and LN521-05) comprises full-length, human recombinant laminin-521 protein, designed for feeder-free cultivation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). As an inherent stem cell niche protein, laminin-521 provides a biologically relevant environment leading to improved survival and efficient growth from single-cell cultures to large-scale production.

Learn more about full-length laminins:

A robust and long-term stem cell culture

By replicating the native hPSC microenvironment, the Biolaminin 521 substrate facilitates optimal attachment, high survival rates, and sustained self-renewal of pluripotent stem cells in vitro.

Laminin-521 standardizes pluripotent gene expression profiles, maximizes genetic stability, and activates pertinent cell signaling pathways, ensuring uniform cellular responses and improved functionality.

Streamlined differentiation with tissue-specific laminin

Beyond its fundamental role in sustaining stem cell cultures, laminin-521 also augments cell maturation in differentiation protocols, fostering the maturation, polarization, and organization of specialized cell types. It stands as the preferred option for culturing a set of primary cell types given its natural occurrence in tissues such as the nervous system, pancreas, and eye.

From research to clinical use

Are you aiming for clinical applications? The cell therapy grade laminin-521 product Biolaminin 521 CT is designed for translation with extensive regulatory documentation.

  • Pluripotent stem cells

    Biorelevant culture of human ES and iPS cells on Biolaminin substrates Biolaminin 521 successfully replicates the genuine human stem cell niche […]
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  • Neural cells

    Biorelevant culture of neural cells on Biolaminin substrates Laminins are widely expressed in the nervous system and are essential for […]
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  • Eye cells

    Biorelevant culture of eye cells on full-length laminin-521 Laminin proteins are integral components in the eye microenvironment Biolaminin products have […]
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  • Clonal stem cell culture

    Biorelevant clonal stem cell culture on Biolaminin substrates Biolaminin 521 successfully replicates the genuine human stem cell niche in vitro […]
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  • iPSC reprogramming and expansion

    Reprogramming and expansion of human iPS cells on Biolaminin substrates High-efficiency iPSC reprogramming and expansion on Biolaminin 521 Human recombinant Biolaminin […]
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  • Skin cells

    Biorelevant culture of keratinocytes on Biolaminin substrates The basement membrane composition in the epidermis Human epidermal keratinocyte (HEK) cells are […]
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  • 3D culture

    Biosilk and Biolaminin key advantages 3D cell culture and organoid formation 3D culture systems for disease modeling, drug screening, and […]
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  • Hepatocytes and hepatoblasts

    Biorelevant culture of liver cells on Biolaminin substrates Several laminins play a vital role in liver progenitor cell-mediated regeneration The […]
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  • Endothelial cells

    Biorelevant culture of endothelial cells Biolaminin isoforms for vascular endothelial cell culture Endothelial cells that make up the vascular network […]
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Clonal culturing of human embryonic stem cells on laminin-521/E-cadherin matrix in defined and xeno-free environment

Rodin S., Antonsson L., Niaudet C., Simonson O.E., Salmela E., Hansson E.M., Domogatskaya A., Xiao Z., Damdimopoulou P., Sheikhi M., Inzunza J., Nilsson A.S., Baker D., Kuiper R., Sun Y., Blennow E., Nordenskjöld M., Grinnemo K.H., Kere J., Betsholtz C., Hovatta O., Tryggvason K.

Nature Communications, 2014

Monolayer culturing and cloning of human pluripotent stem cells on laminin-521 based matrices under xeno-free and chemically defined conditions

Rodin S., Antonsson L., Hovatta O., Tryggvason K.

Nature Protocols, 2014

a-5 Laminin Synthesized by Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Promotes Self-Renewal

Laperle A., Hsiao C., Lampe M., Mortier J., Saha K., Palecek S.P., and Masters K.S.

Stem Cell Reports, 2015

A defined xeno-free and feeder-free culture system for the derivation, expansion and direct differentiation of transgene-free patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells

Hong Fang Lu, Chou Chai, Tze Chiun Lim, Meng Fatt Leong, Jia Kai Lim, Shujun Gao, Kah Leong Lim, Andrew C.A. Wan.

Biomaterials, 2014

Laminin 521 stabilizes the pluripotency expression pattern of human embryonic stem cells initially derived on feeder cells

Albalushi H., Kurek M., Karlsson L., Landreh L., Rós Kjartansdóttir K., Söder O., Hovatta O., Stukenborg J-B.

Stem Cell International, 2017

Niche-derived laminin-511 promotes midbrain dopaminergic neuron survival and differentiation through YAP

Zhang D., Yang S., Toledo E.M., Gyllborg D., Saltó C., Villaescusa J.C., Arenas E.

Sci Signal. 2017

Optimization of slow cooling cryopreservation for human pluripotent stem cells

Takamichi Miyazaki, Norio Nakatsuji & Hirofumi Suemori.

Genesis, 2013

Xeno-free culture of human pluripotent stem cells

Bergström R, Ström S, Holm F, Feki A, Hovatta O

Methods Mol Biol, 2011

Size guide

Not sure how much laminin you need? To make it easy, we have created a tool where you can calculate the amount needed for your experiments. Just choose the culture well format and fill in the desired coating concentration to see the amount required.