Archive Results

  • Can I culture pluripotent stem cells as single cells on Biolaminin 521 without the use of apoptosis inhibitors?

    Yes! Biolaminin 521 successfully recreates the biologically relevant hPSC milieu in vitro, and via integrin binding, Biolaminin 521 induces the PI3K/Akt signaling […]
  • Which enzymes do you recommend for passaging PSCs growing on Biolaminin?

    You can use a dissociation reagent of choice (e.g. TrypLE select, Trypsin-EDTA, EDTA, Accutase). The incubation time depends on the solution […]
  • Does the Biolaminin 521 substrate only work with a specific hPSC media?

    The robust support of pluripotent stem cells by the Biolaminin 521 culture substrate allows you to work with your medium […]
  • How long does the laminin coating last in culture? Do I have to add extra laminin to long-term cultures?

    Many of our customers use the Biolaminin matrix for long-term culture protocols (several months). The Biolaminin coating is functional for at […]
  • Can I passage my stem cells as colonies using the stem cell matrix?

    Yes, Biolaminin 521 supports both single cell and colony passaging. However, we recommend single-cell passage or passage as small clumps since […]
  • Which range of seeding density do you recommend for human pluripotent stem cells?

    Optimal seeding densities will vary from one cell line to another and should be determined empirically for your system. Biolaminin […]
  • How long does it take for the seeded cells to attach to the Biolaminin matrix?

    Most cells should have attached within one hour post-seeding and the cells should be evenly distributed over the entire plate. […]
  • Can I make clonal cultures on Biolaminin 521?

    Clonal cultures can efficiently be done with the Biolaminin 521 under defined and animal origin-free conditions. Biolaminin 521 even allows […]
  • Why do I see that cells stick to the outer rim of the wells in 96-well plates when using Biolaminin?

    This is probably caused by the high surface tension created in the smaller well formats. Try to slightly increase the […]
  • Do I need to pre-warm all solutions before usage and why?

    The solutions should be pre-warmed since a large variation in temperature is stressful for the cells.